
KinderUSA works with a broad range of partners implementing programs that target the most vulnerable children in Gaza, focusing on health and nutrition, education, development, and relief. The Gaza strip is around 40km in length and 10km in width or just over 140 square miles. This once bustling coastal area of land is home to approximately 2 million Palestinians, of which more than half under the age of 18 and the second highest worldwide population of children between the ages 0-14.

Historically, a place of trade and commerce, Gaza now suffers from a strangulating blockade turning it into an aid dependent man-made tragedy. The most densely populated place on earth, the majority of the population survives on less than two dollars a day and records an increase in infant mortality rate for the first time in 50 years. Until the blockade on Gaza is lifted, life in Gaza for children will continue to deteriorate.