After the death of her husband from a high voltage shock while attempting to repair the home refrigerator, 24-year-old Sa’adia suddenly found herself widowed with five children, the youngest 3 months old. Before her husband passed away, he struggled to bring home income working in the agriculture fields until that ended along with most jobs in Gaza due to the pandemic.

Sa’adia now relies on charity, the goodwill of neighbors, family when they can, and organizations like KinderUSA just to feed her children. Living alone with her five children in a house that lacks the most basic needs has been a challenge and a blessing; they do have shelter unlike many female-headed households in Gaza.
“I am unable to feed my children and I wait for my relatives or my brother who has a big family to help me with the least they can, I do not know what to do to provide my children with their needs.” Said Sa’adia.
Along with 880 other families in desperate need, our partners on the ground in Gaza provided Sa’adia with enough food for a month as part of the KinderUSA Emergency Food Distribution. Each family received enough food to get them through a month which includes dried legumes, canned meats, eggs, milk, and PPE.
The parents of thousands of vulnerable children in Gaza do not know where their next meal will come from. This, at the same time COVID-19 is ravaging the country contributing to rising levels of hunger and poverty. Moving into the New Year, Gazan’s will face even more hardships as families move in a downward spiral of uncertainty.
For $75 you can feed a family such as Sa’ada’s for one month. That’s just $2.50 a day for 6 family members. Whatever amount is meaningful to you, please consider making a donation today. Thank you for your humanity and please, be safe.