What is KinderUSA?

KinderUSA is an acronym for Kids In Need of Development, Education & Relief. “Kinder” is the German word for “children;” however, many of our donors prefer to pronouncekinder” as in: gentler, humane, and warm-natured, all of which we are! However you say our name, the goal of our work is the same: for the children. We exist for the specific purpose of coming to the aid of children in conflict or natural disasters, regardless of ethnicity or religious belief. KinderUSA accomplishes this mission through the initiation of health, educational, and rehabilitation programs for children and their families.amilies.

How much of my donation goes towards the programs?

KinderUSA strives to make the best use of every dollar, ensuring that no more than 18% of every donation goes toward administrative and logistical costs. This is the maximum allowable as stipulated in our by-laws, and our projects frequently utilize a much lower percentage, coming in at closer to 10%. We take our responsibility to the children very seriously and strive towards maximum efficiency in managing the gifts entrusted to us on their behalf.

Does KinderUSA only help Muslim children?

No. KinderUSA is an independent, humanitarian non-governmental organization concerned with alleviating ALL children’s suffering, regardless of ethnicity or religious beliefs.

Where does KinderUSA work?

KinderUSA is committed to helping children in need; we go wherever the call may come from, across the globe. Our aid efforts are guided by our extremely diverse donor base. We form deep and trusting relationships with our donors and work alongside them to create aid efforts that address their central issues around children’s nourishment, health and safety. Our donors truly choose our organizational focus and keep our life-saving programs going. Currently, our work is centered on children in the West Bank and Gaza, and Palestinian refugees currently living in Lebanese refugee camps. As we grow, so will our worldwide presence—with your help.

Has the U.S. government approved KinderUSA as a legitimate charity?

Yes. On January 7, 2003, the Internal Revenue Service of the United States Treasury Department ruled that Kinder-USA is recognized as an exempt organization under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.

Has KinderUSA updated its information for review by the Internal Revenue Service?

Yes; Kinder-USA files an annual 990 Informational Tax Return, which discloses program activities, income, and expenses. The 990 Informational Tax Return is filed with the Internal Revenue Service each year and is available for public inspection on our website under Financials.

How can we be sure that the finances of KinderUSA are reliable?

The KinderUSA Board of Directors authorizes an annual independent audit of its books and records by a Certified Public Accountant. The financial practices and procedures have been determined to represent fairly—in all material respects—the financial position of KinderUSA and changes in its net assets and cash flows in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. (Independent Auditors Report, June 9, 2003.)

What steps do the staff and Board of Directors take to maintain a high level of accountability?

The staff and Board of Directors work closely with their attorney and Certified Public Accountant to develop appropriate measures for ensuring accountability. The staff and board have completed training in nonprofit corporation best practices, including education around their roles and responsibilities for program and financial oversight of KinderUSA.

In addition, KinderUSA has participated in Best Practices for Charities (April 10, 2004, Chicago, IL) and participated in the Initial Outreach Event for U.S. Based Charities, hosted by the United States Department of Treasury with ongoing meetings within the sector.

Does my state regulate charities in addition to the federal government regulations?

Yes, most states have additional registration requirements for U.S.-based charities. KinderUSA is a registered charity in each and every state in the United States that requires registration.

How can I UPDATE, CHANGE, or have my information REMOVED?

KinderUSA wants your account (including without limitation, your Personal Information and preferences) to be accurate and complete. To update, change, or remove your Personal Information, please contact KinderUSA by any of the methods which follows.

Email: kinder@kinderusa.org

By Post:


P.O. Box 224 846

Dallas, TX 75222

Or Call: (888)451-8908