KinderUSA, with our local partner on the ground, is implementing emergency food assistance in response to the severe socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the country. In addition to the blockade of land, sea, and air, now in its 13th year, Gaza’s population is suffering mercilessly.
The gravity of the pandemic cannot be underestimated with Coronavirus infections surging in Gaza rising from 76 confirmed cases in August with 1 death, to 2445 confirmed cases and 17 deaths this week. Movement restrictions and curfews have led to a deepening humanitarian crisis leaving many families who were already struggling to put food on their table, now without hope.
“The situation is getting worse every day. People are hungry, they have no food and cannot meet their basic needs,” said Hana, KinderUSA Country Coordinator. “There is no work and each family is doing their best to help their neighbor. It’s very desperate and sad.”

Children are living in an unprecedented humanitarian crisis on many levels including food insecurity. All schools are closed and there is limited opportunity for home study with electricity no more than 3-4 hours a day. Women, who represent 11 percent of households, make up a third of the families in extreme poverty with no means to feed their children. Salwa who lives in the north was grateful to learn she would be a beneficiary. “My parents cannot help me, they look to me for help. What are we to do? I need nothing. Only my children need food.”
KinderUSA is preparing the distribution of fresh foods including dried legumes, canned meat, eggs, and milk for children in a 20 item ‘basket’ to 600 families of 7 or more in a household. With police escorts ensuring strict contact guidelines, families in quarantine are identified and included as beneficiaries along with female headed households and the elderly.
We are appealing to all our donors to please contribute so we can reach more families. For $75 you can feed a family for one month. That is just $2.50 a day. Mahdi who is in quarantine with his family called our representative in Gaza to thank her and to make sure “the people in America know how much we thank you.”
“COVID 19 has no borders and has shown us what it means to be human, to live and die. It is critical that those of us who believe in humanity continue to work together in the spirit of solidarity. Please, join us in making a meaningful donation today,” Dr. Laila Al-Marayati, KinderUSA Chairperson.